The Beginning
This probably wasn't the first experience, but this is the furthest back I could remember. It was when our family just moved to Bogor, West Java, in 1995. I was only 6 years old, I shared bedroom with my 9 years old brother. The house we moved in to was rented for a small company before we take it over, the building belonged to my father's brother in law, it only have one level but was really big.
My brother and I used bedroom 2, only across our parents' bedroom. It was late at night, we were just trying to sleep, then I heard a female's voice calling softly but clearly, from the window, calling my brother's name, in repeating manner. I cried and peeking on my brother on his bed at the other side of the room, he was staring at me in horror. He suddenly got up and pulled me off the bed and we ran to our parent's room. When we cried and told them about what we heard, our mom said it was actually her and she was calling us to sleep with them. Well, it was a lie, we would know if it was her, we know our own mother's voice, but we got through the night by pretending that nothing happened. The truth was told to us when we moved back to Manado, North Sulawesi, in 1997.
It is not a surprise for the place to be haunted, it was abandoned for some years before a company rented it, then it was left empty for about 5 months before we moved in.
Not only that, across the street was a traditional market that only active in the morning, and there was also train rail there. Place like that here in the land of Java, means places for the ghosts.
We once hired a worker to help out mom cleaning up our house, she refused using the guest room at the very back of the building and prefer to sleep at the TV room using a type of futon. One night, she said she saw a middle-aged couple standing side by side on the opened front door, they were standing there for about an hour, she watched them in silence and just pretended to sleep, she thought it was mom and dad, so she won't disturb them. She was surprised and confused when she heard dad coughing from the bedroom, when she look back at the couple they were gone, she got up immediately, say a prayer from the door before locking it twice, and then went back to sleep. She couldn't sleep actually, she waits till morning and then tell my mom and dad, when my brother and I back from school, she had already left, resigned.My aunt once came from Manado and stayed with us in this house for about a month, she used the guest room at the very back of the building, she said she saw some ghost appearances, but she wasn't really care. She's not scared at all, she used at haunted apartments before so ghost don't scare her anymore.
One of my uncles once stayed over and sleep at the TV area, he saw a man walking back and forth from the living room to the kitchen all night making him unable to sleep.
The house is now sold to other people and the building has been demolished.That house back then in Bogor was really haunted, a lot of things happened there when we lived there. But nothing was really serious, i think we were just living alongside with another beings there. But it was all just the beginning.