Behind the Name

As you may have seen from my blog introduction on the top page, my name is Tessie. But other than Tessie, my friends also called me Ginny. Why Ginny?

It was all started from high school when every one knows me as the biggest Potterhead at school, that I read the two versions of the novels, collected all the movies every time its VCD (before DVD was a thing) and DVD was released, I memorized all the charms and curses, I can even retell the 'subjects' discussed in the book which had nothing to do with our school subjects.

My favorite character in THE NOVEL is Ginny Weasley (not the movie character, Bonnie Wright was great but the character displayed was not).

But why do I like that name so much that I keep using it on my social medias, like MGGinny (which is Music Girl Ginny) or Teresa Ginny? It's because the name Ginny feels more me than my own real name. I feel more comfortable using that name instead if using my real name.

It come to point where I feel like using my real name has a burden on it, that makes me worried about almost everything, that my real name keeps reminding me of who I supposed to be, of how I should live my life, but using the name Ginny is giving me the feeling of freedom, it gives me strength to be me. It's like the Tessie was not the real me, and Ginny is who I really am. 

However, time has passed, I've learned a lot to accept my self, to understand my own personality. That's why this time I use my own name.

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