Real Horror Stories of My Own Experiences (Episode 3)


Back to the horror stories. This time, I'm telling you about those things that happened at my school.

So, when I was in Junior High School, when I was still on the first year, our school made a camping night. Students who owned tents can use the grass yard and those who don't can sleep in the class rooms. I happened to use my class, the class room 1 - D.


The activity was from the evening, we play games, sports competition, outdoor dining (which we brought our own meal in box - students from the Monastery Dorm can just walk to the dorm and eat before going back to the school again), and dance to musics until late. It was done on Saturday night. 

It was already 11 PM when we were all still dancing, suddenly someone screamed and pointing to the library area, where all the chairs from the class rooms that used for sleeping were stacked at. Most of the other students also scream and stepped back, I remember being panic and run with my other friends and hug each others at the side where we feel safe at. 

I don't remember the detail because I didn't see it myself, but my friends who saw exactly what the others were screaming about told me, there was a Dutch girl, blonde, her hair braided, standing in front of the library looking at us with sadness. You might think, okay, is that all? But no, the girl wasn't just normally standing there, she was standing at where the chairs were stacked up high, where most lower part of her body stood through the chairs and half up her chest to her head is above the chairs, as if she was a hologram. She was there for about a minute and gone. Our headmaster then told all of us to gather, the music had stopped, we say a prayer and dismissed to sleep. The night wasn't smoothly passed, most of us girls struggled when we need to go to the toilet which located behind the library, to access the toilet we had to walk passed the library area and go through a narrow hall, not to mention the toilet was also huge and has so many small rooms. We had to wait until there a more than three others who wanted to go to the toilet then go there together in group, luckily our PA teachers and Art teachers were patrolling that night so we feel safe. I don't know about the boys though, their toilet located at the back of the canteen, which is the furthest from the front yard.

Talking about the toilet, it has its own story too. So, inside the toilet, there is one at the corner that is bigger in room size, the only one with bigger water tub, have toilet seat (the other has squat toilet), and used white tiles on the floor and walls. Story said there was a girl who slipped and died there, she was the marching band majorette, she went there when the practice was on break, they said it was on break for Angelus Prayer, so when she slipped there in the toilet, all the students were chanting Angelus Prayer all around the school, no one heard her fell. Her head was bleeding badly and she was too weak to scream for help. So, students had this belief that when it's Angelus Prayer, no one should go to the toilet, and if you hear closely, the marching band instruments in the storage would play faintly.

In my third year, on out free time at class, we somehow managed to get Ms. M (our History teacher) to leak some truth to us regarding the horror stories that was spread among the students for quite sometimes.

Ms. M said, you can actually see that blonde girl in front of the library roaming around the school if you have the ability to see ghosts. She was a top student in her time at the school, she was half Dutch - half Indonesian (wasn't sure about her true ethnicity), one day when she went home, she was caught in an accident just right in front of her house after she hopped off her car, it was only a week before final and she would graduate. Those who can see ghost usually saw her inside the library or inside the laboratory, but she never scare people or disturbing anyone, she would just roam in silent or sitting as if she was day dreaming. That night when she shows herself, it was probably because of the liveliness created that night was too much different than her usual peace. 

Ms. M also confirmed that the majorette story was also true. But it doesn't stop there, Ms. M told us about the mysterious 'three nuns' carved on the stone walls at the small field over the creek that separate our grass yard with the hill to the Hospital (Gunung Maria Hospital), she said the carvings were already there for a long time, no ghosts in that area, but that place will always be kept clean and sometimes flowers will be put there. Maybe it was a private grave.

But after talking about that with my grandma, she said it was not a grave. She then told me for the first time, that when she was about 6 years old, she actually lived in that Monastery with her two sisters, one was older and one was just born. They lived there before the World War 2 officially started but according to my grandma, the children there were all evacuated from their home because the issue of the war was already spread, however, when Japanese started their invasion, all the parents take their children home or away in hiding, especially those who have Dutch relations or officials, in my grandma's case, her father was a police commissioner.

Grandma said while living there, there was an annual Christmas Drama show in the Monastery for the children and they would use a real baby to be baby Jesus, three of the babies died before their second Christmas, and then there were never real baby used as baby Jesus ever again, my grandma's little sister was the third baby that died. So the location where the carvings were at, was the place where the show would be held at, so the carvings must be made to commemorate the babies that died after their show there.

I don't have the picture of the carvings because back then when I went to school there, students were not allowed to bring any gadgets, not even an alfalink was allowed. But here I'll leave some pictures of my grandma and her family, grandma's little sister, the nuns, and the children in the monastery.

(from left; Grand Uncle Rudy - Great Grand Father - Great Grand Mother (holding Grand Uncle Boy) - Grandma (the one in the front) Theresia - Grand Aunt Thelma - Grand Uncle Lexy) : this photo was taken after grandma left the monastery, this house is where Great Grand Father was task to leave as he was the Head Police in the area

(this is Grand Aunt Conny: April 4th 1939 - September 20th 1940)

Here are the picture of the children in the monastery back in that time, my grandma wasn't in both of the picture but Grand Aunt Thelma was in one of them.

Here are some of the nuns in the Monastery that was in there when grandma entered the place.

Remember the story when I saw a nun in the dorm, she was wearing an exact same robe as the nuns above were wearing. Back when I was in the dorm, our head-sister's robe was different and a bit shorter where you can see their shoes.

Up next episode: The Haunting in my House

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